Welcome to the CUI 2022 web programme. There are 11 sessions taking place over the 3 days of the conference, including 12 Full Papers, 14 Provocation Papers, 2 demos, 12 posters and 2 keynotes. The below times are shown in UTC+1 . Add the programme to your calendar .
Starts at 08:00
Ends at 09:30
Welcome and Keynote 1 Chaired by Martin Halvey, Mary Ellen Foster and Jeff Dalton (CUI 2022 General Chairs) The CUI 2022 General Chairs will open the conference before introducing the first conference keynote.
Style matters: Insights for conversational user interfaces from sociolinguistic theory Socially-Aware Conversational Interfaces: Challenges and Perspectives Keynote Jane Stuart-Smith Refreshment break (09:30–10:00)
Starts at 10:00
Ends at 11:30
Paper Session 1 Does Chatbot Language Formality Affect Users' Self-Disclosure? Full Paper Samuel Rhys Cox and Wei Tsang Ooi Watch a preview on YouTube → Extending Chatbots to Probe Users: Enhancing Complex Decision-Making Through Probing Conversations Full Paper Leon Reicherts, Gun Woo Park and Yvonne Rogers Watch a preview on YouTube → Understanding Circumstances for Desirable Proactive Behaviour of Voice Assistants: The Proactivity Dilemm Full Paper Nima Zargham, Leon Reicherts, Michael Bonfert, Sarah Theres Völkel, Johannes Schöning, Rainer Malaka and Yvonne Rogers Watch a preview on YouTube → ‘Assistant’ or ‘Master’: Envisioning the User Autonomy Implications of Virtual Assistants Provocation Paper Sanju Ahuja and Jyoti Kumar Watch a preview on YouTube → A Conversational User Interface for Maintenance Reports: A Wizard of Oz Study Provocation Paper Samuel Kernan Freire, Evangelos Niforatos, Zoltan Rusak, Doris Aschenbrenner and Alessandro Bozzon Watch a preview on YouTube → Lunch break (11:30–13:00)
Starts at 13:00
Ends at 14:30
Paper Session 2 and Poster Boaster Multimodal Conversational Fashion Recommendation with Positive and Negative Natural-Language Feedback Full Paper Yaxiong Wu, Craig Macdonald and Iadh Ounis Watch a preview on YouTube → Unifying Recommender Systems and Conversational User Interfaces Provocation Paper Alain D. Starke and Minha Lee Watch a preview on YouTube → Do we still need Human Assessors? Prompt based GPT-3 User Simulation in Conversational AI Provocation Paper Selina Meyer, David Elsweiler, Bernd Ludwig, Marcos Fernández-Pichel and David E. Losada Watch a preview on YouTube → Ethical Self-Disclosing Voice User Interfaces for Delivery of News Provocation Paper Shruti Rao, Valeria Resendez, Abdallah El Ali and Pablo Cesar Watch a preview on YouTube → Poster and Demo Boaster Pitches Refreshment break (14:30–15:00)
Starts at 15:00
Ends at 16:30
Posters and Demos Beyond Subservience: Using Joint Commitment to Enable Proactive CUIs for Mood Logging Poster Robert Bowman, Benjamin R. Cowan, Anja Thieme and Gavin Doherty Watch a preview on YouTube → CANDY: towards a framework to design Conversational AgeNts for Domestic sustainabilitY Poster Mathyas Giudici, Pietro Crovari and Franca Garzotto Watch a preview on YouTube → Do we know and do we care? Algorithms and Attitude towards Conversational User Interfaces: Comparing Chatbots and Voice Assistants Poster Sara Parnell, Stefanie Klein and Franziska Gaiser Watch a preview on YouTube → Conversational Agents Trust Calibration: A User-Centred Perspective to Design Poster Mateusz Dubiel, Sylvain Daronnat and Luis A. Leiva Watch a preview on YouTube → A Question of Fidelity: Comparing Different User Testing Methods for Evaluating In-Car Prompts Poster Anna-Maria Meck, Christoph Draxler and Thurid Vogt Watch a preview on YouTube → Leakage of Sensitive Information to Third-Party Voice Applications Poster Mary Bispham, Jose Such, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Xavier Ferrer-Aran, Suliman Sattar and Clara Zard Watch a preview on YouTube → A Study on Human Interactions With Robots Based on Their Appearance and Behaviour Poster Zuzanna Janeczko and Mary Ellen Foster Watch a preview on YouTube → A Blueprint for Integrating Task-Oriented Conversational Agents in Education Poster Juan Carlos Farah, Basile Spaenlehauer, Sandy Ingram and Denis Gillet Watch a preview on YouTube → 🏆 Honourable Mention Comparing Moderation Strategies in Group Chats with Multi-User Chatbots Poster Nicolas Wagner, Matthias Kraus, Tibor Tonn and Wolfgang Minker Watch a preview on YouTube → A Pilot Study for Understanding Users’ Attitudes Towards a Conversational Agent for News Recommendation Poster Li Chen, Zhirun Zhang, Xinzhi Zhang and Lehong Zhao Watch a preview on YouTube → Keep on Smiling: An Investigation of the Influence of the Use of Emoticons by Chatbots on User Satisfaction Poster Marilena Wilhelm, Tabea Otten, Kinga Schumacher and Eva Schwaetzer Watch a preview on YouTube → Articulate+ : An Always-Listening Natural Language Interface for Creating Data Visualizations Poster Roderick Tabalba, Abari Bhatacharya, Veronica Grosso, Nurit Kirshenbaum, Andy Johnson, Barbara Di Eugenio, Moira Zellner and Jason Leigh Watch a preview on YouTube → Papr Readr Bot: A Conversational Agent to Read Research Papers Demo Michelle Xiao-Lin Foo, Luca Della Libera and Ilhan Aslan Watch a preview on YouTube → How can AI leverage alternative criteria and suggest a better way to measure credit worthiness and economic growth? Demo Heloisa Candello, Marcelo Grave, Emilio Brazil, Marina Ito, Adinan Alves de Brito Filho and Rogerio de Paula Watch a preview on YouTube → reception
Starts at 18:00
Ends at 23:59
Conference Dinner A Glasgow landmark, Sloans is situated in Glasgow’s City Centre and is a short walk from the conference venue. Set over 3 floors, we will be based on one floor for a 3 course meal with drinks followed by a traditional Scottish ceilidh.
Starts at 08:00
Ends at 09:30
Town Hall and Keynote 2 We will have a Town Hall chaired by the CUI Steering Committee, discussing the future of the conference series and CUI 2023. Following this, we will have the second conference keynote.
What insights from conversation analysis can, should, and should not be leveraged when collaborating in conversation design? Keynote Cathy Pearl, Saul Albert and Elizabeth Stokoe Refreshment break (09:30–10:00)
Starts at 10:00
Ends at 11:30
Paper Session 3 Capturing Teens' Voice in Designing Supportive Agents Full Paper Irene Lopatovska, Olivia Turpin, Jessika Davis, Ellen Connell, Chris Denney, Hilda Fournier, Archana Ravi, Ji Hee Yoon and Eesha Parasnis Watch a preview on YouTube → COMEX: A Multi-task Benchmark for Knowledge-grounded COnversational Media EXploration Provocation Paper Zay Yar Tun, Alessandro Speggiorin, Jeffrey Dalton and Megan Stamper Bilingual by default: Voice Assistants and the role of code-switching in creating a bilingual user experience Provocation Paper Helin Cihan, Yunhan Wu, Paola Peña, Justin Edwards and Benjamin Cowan Watch a preview on YouTube → Embrace your incompetence! Designing appropriate CUI communication through an ecological approach Provocation Paper Sophie Becker, Phillip Doyle and Justin Edwards Watch a preview on YouTube → When Is Certification Not Worth the Paper It Is Written On: A Provocation on the Certification of Skills in the Alexa and Google Assistant Ecosystems Provocation Paper William Seymour, Mark Coté and Jose Such Consent on the Fly: Developing Ethical Verbal Consent for Voice Assistants Provocation Paper William Seymour, Mark Coté and Jose Such 🏆 Best Paper Award Voice Assistants Have a Plurilingualism Problem Provocation Paper Amanda Kann Watch a preview on YouTube → Lunch break (11:30–13:00)
Starts at 13:00
Ends at 14:30
Paper Session 4 "Voice-First Interfaces in a GUI-First Design World": Barriers and Opportunities to Supporting VUI Designers On-the-Job Full Paper Christine Murad and Cosmin Munteanu Watch a preview on YouTube → Does Alexa Live Up to the Hype? Contrasting Expectations from Mass Media Narratives and Older Adults' Hands-on Experiences of Voice Interfaces Full Paper Jaisie Sin, Dongqing Chen, Jalena G. Threatt, Anna Gorham and Cosmin Munteanu Watch a preview on YouTube → Where is Vincent? Expanding our emotional selves with AI Full Paper Minha Lee, Lily Frank, Yvonne De Kort and Wijnand Ijsselsteijn 🏆 Best Paper Award Should Alexa be a Police Officer, a Doctor, or a Priest? Provocation Paper James Simpson and Cassandra Crone Watch a preview on YouTube → 🏆 Honourable Mention Is Alexa like a computer? A search engine? A friend? A silly child? Yes. Provocation Paper Smit Desai and Michael Twidale Watch a preview on YouTube → Refreshment break (14:30–15:00)
Starts at 15:00
Ends at 16:30
Paper Session 5 Effects of Emotional Expressiveness on Voice Chatbot Interactions Full Paper Qingxiaoyang Zhu, Austin Chau, Michelle Cohn, Kai-Hui Liang, Hao-Chuan Wang, Georgia Zellou and Zhou Yu Watch a preview on YouTube → Comparing Command Construction in Native and Non-Native Speaker IPA Interaction through Conversation Analysis Full Paper Yunhan Wu, Martin Porcheron, Philip Doyle, Justin Edwards, Daniel Rough, Orla Cooney, Anna Bleakley, Leigh Clark and Benjamin Cowan Watch a preview on YouTube → Effects of Wording and Gendered Voices on Acceptability of Voice Assistants in Future Autonomous Vehicles Full Paper Iris Jestin, Joel Fischer, Maria Jose Galvez Trigo, David Large and Gary Burnett 🏆 Best Paper Award Cross-Modal Repair: Gaze and Speech Interaction for List Advancement Full Paper Razan Jaber and Donald McMillan Watch a preview on YouTube → Rules Of Engagement: Levelling Up To Combat Unethical CUI Design Provocation Paper Thomas Mildner, Philip Doyle, Gian-Luca Savino and Rainer Malaka