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Welcome to CUI 2019

1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces

***Registration is now open! Click here to register***

CUI 2019 is the 1st annual International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. It aims to be the premier interdisciplinary conference for researchers and practitioners across the world to discuss the latest in conversational interface technology. This inaugural event will take place in Dublin, Ireland on 22nd-23rd August 2019 and will be hosted at Science Gallery Dublin in the heart of the city centre.

There has been an increasing interest in language based interactions with technology. Through the commercial success of intelligent personal assistant devices such as Alexa and Google Home, to the growth of the use of chatbots in commercial settings, the number of natural language and conversation based interactions is growing. Although there is growth in this area, with much technical effort being applied and promoted in these areas (e.g. Interspeech, SIGDIAL), there is comparatively little promotion of and exploration of important human-computer interaction and design based issues. This event, growing from successful workshops at both ACM CHI and ACM Mobile HCI, looks to begin to develop an independent yet collaborative community with specific interest in theory based and applied scientific issues in the field of speech and text based conversational user interfaces. The event looks to bring together the ISCA and ACM SIGCHI communities to publish and promote insight and debate in this interesting and important discipline within language interfaces.