Dear CUI community,

We know that many of you were wondering what will happen to CUI 2020 in light of the still ongoing situation around the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Some of you have already contacted us about this. The CUI 2020 organizing committee as well as the CUI steering committee have been in ongoing talks on how to best deal with the situation. To this end we are thus happy to announce that:

  • CUI 2020 will happen. Not physically but virtually for 3 days from July 22nd to July 24th. We won’t have sessions lasting all day but rather focus on a 3-4 hours block per day optimally accounting for time differences. To this end, we will be getting in touch with the authors of accepted full papers, provocations and posters/demos and coordinate presentations sessions. As for the showcase track, we’ve decided to cancel it this year, yet bring it back next year, potentially even bigger.
  • The virtual event will be free and open to everyone interested in the latest research on conversational user interfaces. Respective links and login details will be distributed in time.
  • All accepted papers (full papers, provocations and posters/demos) will still be published free of charge in the ACM Digital Library.
  • And for those of you who were already eager to visit Bilbao, one of the coolest cities in Spain, we are happy to announce that we will stay in Bilbao and host an even better, bigger and more exciting CUI 2021 there. All authors for CUI 2020 accepted papers will be given a presentation slot for CUI 2021 in Bilbao.

We, the members of the CUI 2020/2021 organizing and steering committee, are already looking forward to an interesting, inspiring and interactive virtual CUI 2020 with you as a speaker or participant, and are already looking forward to welcoming you to Bilbao next year!

CUI 2020 Organizing Committee

Note: If you require special assistance to be able to participate online, please contact us through and we’ll do our best to be of help”

Registration open


There has been an increasing interest in language based interactions with technology. Driven by the commercial success of intelligent personal assistant devices such as Alexa and Google Home, to the growth of the use of chatbots in commercial settings, the number of natural language and conversation based interactions is growing. Based on a successful inaugural ACM In-Cooperation conference in 2019, CUI 2020 aims to further develop a collaborative community around human-computer interaction issues in speech and language technology, with specific interest in theory based and applied scientific issues in the field of speech and text based conversational user interfaces. CUI 2020 looks to bring together relevant communities (e.g. ISCA, ACM SIGCHI, CogSci) to publish, disseminate and showcase high quality cutting edge research related to the field, promote insight and debate in this interesting and important discipline within language interfaces.


Topics relevant to the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • voice user experience
  • speech interfaces
  • speech interface theory development
  • conversational interaction through technology
  • text-based conversational interfaces
  • chatbots
  • speech synthesis
  • speech recognition
  • dialogue management
  • conversational interface design insights
  • conversational search
  • methods for conversational user interface development and evaluation
  • multimodal interaction involving speech, text or other language based interfaces