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CUI@IUI: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Intelligent Conversational User Interface Interactions

Workshop at the 2021 ACM Intelligent User Interface (IUI) Conference

About the Workshop

This workshop aims to bring together the Intelligent User Interface (IUI) and Conversational User Interface (CUI) communities to understand the theoretical and methodological challenges in designing, deploying and evaluating CUIs.

Whilst the use of CUIs has continued to grow in recent years, significant challenges remain in creating established theoretical and methodological approaches for researching CUI interactions. These include assessing the impact of interface design on user behaviours and perceptions, developing design guidelines, understanding the role of personalisation and issues around ethics and privacy.

Please see our Call for Papers page for details about submitting to the workshop.


Workshop date: April 13th, 2021, College Station, Texas, USA

Registration Deadline: January 11, 2021 (provisional)

Submission Deadline: January 14th, 2021 (11:59 PM, Anywhere on Earth)

Author Notifications: February 11th, 2021


The workshop is open to anyone who wants to attend. We will be limiting the number of places to support workshop activities. The deadline for registration is, provisionally, January 11th 2021. Updates will be provided here and through the @CUI_Conference twitter account.