The CUI 2024 Doctoral Consortium is a half-day session where doctoral students of conversational user interfaces can discuss their research with other students and experts within the field. Doctoral work is important to our rapidly advancing area of research, and we very much look forward to making the Doctoral Consortium a meeting place for students in the field.
Key dates
Applications due: 11th 18th April 2024
Notifications sent: 3rd June 2024
Doctoral Consortium: 8th July 2024
All deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth
The process
All demo papers will proceed through the following process. Please contact the Doctoral Consortium chairs if you have any questions.
1. Prepare your application
Students are invited to submit an application in extended abstract format for participation.
You must use the ACM LaTeX or Word templates to prepare your submission. LaTeX users may start their work by using the official ACM template available on Overleaf, which we strongly encourage. LaTeX users should have the following document class: \documentclass[sigconf, screen, review]{acmart}
for submission.
Word users should use the double-column “Interim Template”.
The application should be submitted as a single pdf file (max. 2 pages) outlining a research statement which contains the following:
- A summary of the applicant’s research topic
- Answers to the following questions:
a. How far you are in your PhD?
b. What is the motivation for this research?
c. What is the expected contribution to the field?
d. What progress have you made so far?
e. What would you like to learn and discuss during the Doctoral Consortium?
2. Submit your application
You should submit your application by email to, making sure to include your full name, affiliation, and preferred contact email in the submission email text, as well as your extended abstract.
3. Selection process – curated
Doctoral Consortium participants will be selected on the basis of their research statement through a curated process where the aim is to establish a participant group with complementary research interests and aims for participation. We aim for an inclusive selection process.
4. Present and discuss your PhD
As well as taking part in the Doctoral Consortium discussions and presentations, accepted participants are furthermore encouraged to present their thesis as a poster. This poster shall be presented alongside the posters from the poster session at the main conference so that students may receive feedback from conference attendees who are not part of the Doctoral Consortium.
The CUI 2024 posters chairs will send information about the poster format upon acceptance as the Doctoral Consortium will use the same format.
If you have any questions, please contact the Doctoral Consortium chairs, Martin Halvey, Leigh Clark, Minha Lee, Benjamin Cowan, and Gary Hsieh, for support.