We invite the submission of interactive and creative demos from various disciplines, including human-computer interaction, computer science, engineering, speech technology, linguistics, psychology, cognitive sciences, sociology, and other cognate disciplines.
Submissions to the interactivity and creativity track are demo contributions aiming to tackle challenges and show progress in the field of Conversational User Interfaces.
NEW: We invite creative installations and artistic expressions that may not necessarily be as technical as traditional system demos. These contributions aim to enrich the conference’s interactivity by offering unique, thought-provoking ways for attendees to engage with conversational user interfaces, inspiring fresh perspectives and innovative reflections.
For the submission and review process, you should write an extended abstract that summarizes your demo. If accepted, we will invite you to present your work at CUI 2025, with your extended abstract being published in the conference proceedings.
Examples of previously successful demo submissions at CUI can be found in the ACM Digital Library. Last year’s posters were published as “demonstration” in the posters and demos session.
Key dates
Submissions due: 10th April 2025
Notifications: 9th May 2025
Camera ready/TAPS due: 23rd May 2025
All deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth
The process
All demo papers will proceed through the following process. Please contact the Interactivity & Creativity Chairs if you have any questions.
1. Prepare your extended abstract and video
Submissions of extended abstracts for demos must be in English, in PDF format, anonymised using the CHI anonymization policy, and approximately 3,000 words words (including figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, and any other content excluding references and acknowledgments).
Your submission should include a detailed description of the system or creative installation, including its purpose, design, and the problem(s) it seeks to address. For creative installations, explain how they offer unique insights or perspectives relevant to the CUI community and discuss their novelty, artistic context, or experiential impact. Highlight your work’s relevance to the CUIs field and how it fosters reflection, innovation, or engagement. Additionally, provide a clear outline of your planned presentation, focusing on how it will deliver an engaging, interactive experience.
You must use the ACM LaTeX or Word templates to prepare your submission. We encourage the use of LaTeX and the official ACM template on Overleaf. LaTeX users must employ the following document class for submission: \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review,anonymous]{acmart}
Word users must use the one-column submission template and should be prepared to submit to TAPS approximately one week earlier than the stated camera-ready deadline.
ACM’s CCS concepts and keywords are not required for submission and peer review but are required if your paper is accepted and published by the ACM.
You should also prepare a 2-minute (max) video demonstration of your interactivity and creativity demonstration. .
2. Submit your extended abstract and video
You should submit your extended abstract and video to the conference submission system. You must include your title, abstract, author details, and extended abstract as a PDF and your short video. Your extended abstract and video must be anonymised, or it may be desk rejected. Please follow the SIGCHI Guide to an Accessible Submission to make your submission accessible for all users. Submitting your article to an ACM Publication acknowledges that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies.
3. Await reviews
Each submission will be reviewed by one track chair and one expert reviewer through a curated process. Following a curated selection process, successful submissions will be invited to present at CUI 2025. Creativity in delivery, feasibility, novelty, and ability to engage attendees in-person and online will be assessed in curating the program. We aim to deliver captivating demonstrations showcasing the diverse research arenas contributing to the conversational user interface research community. Sensitive, private and/or proprietary information should not be disclosed before publication. Business exposure is reserved for event sponsors only, so advertising materials should not be used in demonstrations.
4. Prepare your paper for publication
If your interactivity and creativity submission is accepted, you should de-anonymise it. You must include CCS concepts and keywords for publication. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the publication of your paper. Accepted demo extended abstracts will be archived in the ACM Digital Library.
You will receive an email from ACM to assign the rights for your paper, following which you will receive an email from “The ACM Publishing System” (TAPS), which will handle the generation of the final version of your paper. Accepted papers will be produced from LaTeX or Word source files into a single column HTML document and a two-column PDF for publication. We recommend all authors read ACM’s guidance for TAPS Best Practice.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID to complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. Your paper will be published in the ACM CUI Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. SIGCHI participates in the ACM Open Table of Contents (OpenTOC) service, which means papers will be freely available from this website for the first year after publication. Publications are Green Open Access by default but can be upgraded to Gold Open Access for a fee.
5. Present your work
Authors will be given the opportunity to present their demos at CUI 2025. The specific details of this presentation will be provided closer to the conference.
If you have any questions, please contact the Interactivity & Creativity Chairs, Johanne Trippas and Thomas Mildner, for support.